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October 30, 2007



As a legend in my own mind I think I look rather swish. A completely unintentional look--just forgot to remove me pinny before heading out the door. . . .

Now, tweed waistcoat, collarless shirt, braces and wellies, I can dig. Got some somewhere. Glad to see I'm tres J. Crew--it's easy to loose sight of fashion on an island :^} Not a bad look for an October ramble.

Heather Gorringe

I bought Farmer Phil some cord eeee roys and a crumpled shirt for the look too!

Anna Farmery

I have to ask is it really a Farmery shirt?? Am I really helping to keep Podchef warm!!

matthew naylor

You may, or maybe don't, know that the Pilgrim Fathers named Bostom in the US of A after Boston in England. Boston UK is a charming, but unremarkable, market town surrounded by cabbages. I can assure you that the farmers of Boston UK, despite their best efforts, are most certainly not trendy. I know this because I am one of them.

matthew naylor

I notice that in my comment I called Boston (US of A), Bostom (US of A). I am sorry. Boston (UK) farmers are clearly so untrendy that they can't even work a keyboard.

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Hi Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Hi Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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