Now this is Podchef on Podchef Island in his new French wellies delivered from Herefordshire..,
I'm not sure that Podchef is in fact trendy but it would appear that Bostonians would think so.
The clothes of choice in Boston are either a Red Soxs outfit......
Brogues, cords, farmery shirt, tweed jacket and a cap!
Mind you those sophisticated chappies managed to look seriously cool, and I can tell you farming folk want to know how.
This one even has the wellies!
- Never iron your shirt - a crinkly look is cool.
- Wear old "vintage" cords (shouldn't be a problem)
- Roll your shirt sleeves up and if possible add your Grandpa's tweed waistcoat.
It looked cool - go Podchef go. This is before he got carried away and produced mutton chops - not made of sheep but to do with facial hair!
As a legend in my own mind I think I look rather swish. A completely unintentional look--just forgot to remove me pinny before heading out the door. . . .
Now, tweed waistcoat, collarless shirt, braces and wellies, I can dig. Got some somewhere. Glad to see I'm tres J. Crew--it's easy to loose sight of fashion on an island :^} Not a bad look for an October ramble.
Posted by: Podchef | October 30, 2007 at 05:18 PM
I bought Farmer Phil some cord eeee roys and a crumpled shirt for the look too!
Posted by: Heather Gorringe | November 02, 2007 at 06:00 PM
I have to ask is it really a Farmery shirt?? Am I really helping to keep Podchef warm!!
Posted by: Anna Farmery | November 21, 2007 at 11:17 AM
You may, or maybe don't, know that the Pilgrim Fathers named Bostom in the US of A after Boston in England. Boston UK is a charming, but unremarkable, market town surrounded by cabbages. I can assure you that the farmers of Boston UK, despite their best efforts, are most certainly not trendy. I know this because I am one of them.
Posted by: matthew naylor | November 24, 2007 at 04:14 AM
I notice that in my comment I called Boston (US of A), Bostom (US of A). I am sorry. Boston (UK) farmers are clearly so untrendy that they can't even work a keyboard.
Posted by: matthew naylor | November 24, 2007 at 04:20 AM
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