I was interested to read Steve Rubels' post about the fact that as there is more and more content on the web the measurement should not be on how many page views we have, but on other measurements such as the length of time people spend on your blog or your website.
I think that engagement is the most important thing and also that you are managing to stand out from the crowd - building your brand.
Despite the fact that there is more and more content available - whether its 30 new TV channels - 6 new extra supplements in your Sunday newspaper - 40 new podcasts or 4 million new blogs, to me and many others "there's nothing on the TV..." I can now FIND (thanks to google) the content that I want by just subscribing to the subject matter I am interested in. I can still keep a track of the news so to me I can be more efficient using Social Media than not, and as a farmer it seems to me there's plenty of space online for a few more of us!