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November 02, 2007


Spidra Webster

Oh yeah. Piggybacking on what I wrote in the comments a number of posts below, I think urban farmers can be great allies for rural farmers. In my area, people are starting to raise chickens, ducks and geese in their yards in addition to fruits and vegetables. Their understanding of the work that goes into raising food and their communication of that to others via their own blogs and word of mouth really helps people understand a little better what's involved in farming. At least it's a little window on things.

Glad you made it safe home and hope you're enjoying being back.

Anne Howe

We are not only farmers but also consumers. There should be a partnership.
Wikipedia defines consumers as follows :

A consumer is a person who buys a product or uses any service. Typically when business people and economists talk of consumers they are talking about person as consumer, an aggregated commodity item with little individuality other than that expressed in the buy/not-buy decision. However there is a trend in marketing to individualize the concept. Instead of generating broad demographic profile and psychographic profiles of market segments, marketers are engaging in personalized marketing, permission marketing, and mass customization.[1]
In free market or capitalist economies, consumers are presumed to dictate what goods are produced and are generally considered the center of economic activity. Individual consumption of goods and services is primarily linked to the consumer's level of disposable income, and budget allocations are made to maximize the consumer's marginal utility.[2] In 'time series' models of consumer behavior, the consumer may also invest a proportion of their budget in order to gain a greater budget in future periods. This investment choice may include either fixed rate interest or risk-bearing securities.

So from that I can deduce that I am a farmer of sorts and have the ability as consumer to make decisions about where I spend my money in the economy..just needed reminding of that.
Thanks Hev


Anyone who composts--bokashi or otherwise--is a farmer of sorts as well. As soon as you get your hands in the soil you begin to participate in Agriculture.

The lines defining farm, farming, and agriculture--as they have been interpreted in the past 60 years--need to be plowed under and begun again. There is very little difference in a very large garden and a 1 acre CSA farm. In most cases a 10 acre Market or "Truck" garden will produce more than an equivalent 10 acre parcel of "Farm". Size and scale is far less important than practice. . .He says knowingly to the wife of the Farmer with 1200acres under his care. . . .

Heather Gorringe

I'll often pop off to the latest farmer meeting to here the dear old boys talking about who's fault it all is: This ranges from the "housewife (!!)" to the "supermarkets". Of course what you are all saying is as consumers many of us are farmers and also that all farmers are also consumers. Team lets buy cool...

Heather Gorringe

Dearest Podchef
I've nearly finished the Omnivore's Dilemma and have enthused so much about it that Farmer Phil cant wait to read it!
nudge nudge - wink wink
I heard this on Anna's show - yes Anna FARMERY on one of her interviews on The Engaging Brand:

We are all farmers - its no good just staring at the soil - We have to invest and do things now that will benefit us later.


I just love your blog !!!

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