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April 08, 2008


Connie Reece

Heather, I thoroughly enjoyed our lunch and conversation about social media marketing. As for fish and chips, the best I've had was in Sanibel, Florida -- probably can't compare to your experience in Cornwall, though!

Gavin Heaton

Do you know how hard it is to find good fish and chips in NY? I had to give in and just drink beer ;)

Gavin Heaton

Oh and the best fish and chips I have ever had was from a little diner just before the bridge going to Phillip Island in Victoria, Australia.

Farmer Phil

Best Fish and Chips has to have been at Doyle's, Watson's Bay, Sydney Harbour.
Looe comes a very close second but can't quite match the climate!!


Since Granny O'Grady's closed, the best Fish & Chippy will have to be Holly Tree Chippy! :) Absolutely awesome and they don't skimp on the mushy pea potions either!

Karen Wilde

Right on Farmer Phil - Doyle's, Watson Bay, Sydney Harbour as the sun lowers towards the mountains in the distance.

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